Clerk of Courts Candidate Survey
Work Experience
- District Director for Senator Frank Lasee. Focus on outreach to the district, scheduling meetings with constituents and assisting with legislative issues for the district
- 5 years’ experience in real estate. I have a broker’s license. Expertise in residential and commercial sales
- 6 years’ experience in Fortune 200 company with logistics and supply chain mgmt.
- Bachelor of Business Admin from UW-Madison – Management & Marketing degree
Political Experience
- Green Bay City Council from 2002-2010 (8 years)
- Finance Chairman from 2004-2010 which is responsible for City budget oversight
- Consistent taxpayer advocate, opposed property tax increases
- Brown County Board – 2002 to present (12 years)
- Education & Recreation Committee Chair for over 7 years. Management and oversight over budgets of Brown County Libraries, NEW Zoo, County Parks, Brown County Golf Course, Museum, Resch Center complex
- Consistent taxpayer advocate
- Signed the Brown County Taxpayers Association pledge to end the County sales tax
- Volunteered in numerous campaigns for local, State and National office
- 2002 – Van Roy for Assembly, Weber for Assembly, Biskupic for AG
- 2004 – Van Roy for Assembly, hosted fundraiser at my home for Van Roy that raised over $5,000. Bush for President
- 2006 –Lasee for Assembly, organized a fundraiser for Frank that raised over $4,000. Green for Governor
- 2008 –Van Roy & Lasee for Assembly. Mc Cain for President
- 2010 – Lasee for Senate – organized primary and general election campaign
- 2011 – Volunteer for recall elections. Recruited volunteers in Brown County to help Cowles. Volunteer for Simic race for 2 weeks full time
- 2012 – Helped with recalls – Governor Walker, Sen Moulton, Sen Petrowski
Time in district
- 30 years
Walker, Kleefisch or Cowles recall signer (y/n)
- No. Never! I fought against the recalls. I invested time campaigning for the Republicans facing recall and recruited volunteers to help the various candidates
Length of time affiliated with the Brown County GOP
- 13 years - Member since 2001
Brief description of why you are the best choice for Republican Voters
I’m the only candidate in the race who has the experience and leadership skills to hold down government spending and be accountable to Brown County taxpayers. I’ve been a consistent voice for taxpayers for 12 years. This is important since the Clerk of Courts department has gone over budget the last 2 years by $660,000. I will use my various experiences in the private sector, local and state government to manage the department in an efficient way and seek ways to save taxpayer dollars. I ask for your vote so that I can put taxpayers first in Brown County.